Latest News

Term 1 2025

Welcome to Term 1 2025

12th March  - Year 6 Surf and
Year 2/3 Red Beach Surf Day - March 17, Mar19th and March 24th

Board Newsletter - March 2020

Please click on the LINK to see this month's Board Newsletter.

Stay safe

Hello RBS learners from Miss Hepburn

I hope you are being good and helping out at home. Enjoy the next two weeks of break. Don't forget - keep washing those hands & stay healthy

School Grounds Closed during Lockdown

MOE has asked that we advise communities that all grounds - school & local are closed. Unfortunately you can't enter our grounds. Stay safe

Red Beach School Update - 25th Mar

Kia ora to you all (apologies due to tech issues we did want this out yesterday).

I would like to thank you all for your support as we have worked today to get ready to launch our home learning sites. The teachers have worked together to compile activities and resources relevant to the different age groups. 

A reminder that the school holidays are now  from Monday 30th March through to Tuesday 14th April. 

As  a staff, we wholeheartedly agree that your child's well-being is paramount during this time. If we can leave you with one thing, it's this: 

At the end of all of this, your child's mental health is more important than their academic skills. How they felt during this time will stay with them long after the memory of what they did during those weeks is long gone.

If you are wanting some ideas on how to reassure your child/children during this time, then check this website

Enjoy this special time with your children. You might like to make a shared journal that captures your family’s journey during this time. You child/children could one day share it with their children!

You may like to make a google journal that you can share with other family members whom you are separated from - this could be a great way of staying connected!


Unfortunately, we have had to make some hard decisions around our sporting events scheduled for term 2. We have done our best to postpone/move these events where possible:

  • NETBALL - our teams have been registered with the Hibiscus Coast Netball Association. At present, we have not received any communication as to whether or not the module will go ahead. We will keep you updated as soon as we are.
  • INTER-SCHOOL RIPPA - North Harbour Rugby are yet to make a decision as to whether this will go ahead. Again, we will update you once we hear of any developments.
  • INTER-SCHOOL SOCCER - this event may be moved to a later date and we will have more information on this next term.
  • WATER SAFETY/CONFIDENCE YEARS 1 to 4 - unfortunately we have had to postpone this programme indefinitely. We will endeavour to reschedule it for later in the year. If you have already paid for this, and would like a refund, please contact our finance  officer - Susan Murphy:
  • WHOLE SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY - sadly we have had to postpone this event. At present we are looking for a suitable date in term 3 or 4. 

School Dental Emergency Help - we have received the following information:

The wellbeing of our community is paramount, and therefore our service will only be providing essential dental care for children. If a child is in pain or there are urgent concerns about their teeth, we request their parent/caregiver phones [Roberta Blair-Stilwell -  021 719 181

Our vans and Transportable Dental Units have been closed. We have limited fixed clinics open, including some on school sites 

Our service is following the Ministry of Health and Dental Council recommendations for personal and protective equipment and infection control measures. All children and their families/whanau receive screening questions in relation to potential risk of Covid-19 at times of booking and confirmation of urgent appointments.

All other previously booked non-essential dental appointments have been postponed. Parents/caregivers have been notified via phone call and/or text message. We will be in contact with parents/caregivers when our appointment books re-open to reschedule these appointments.

If you or your community have any queries, please phone the Clinical Team Leader of your area (Roberta Blair-Stilwell 021 719 181

If you have any additional concerns, please contact our service’s Covid-19 Leads

Operations Manager Patsy Prior (021 571 620) or Acting Clinical Director Dr Kirsten Miller (021 968 346).

Thank you for your understanding during this time.

Kind regards,

Children’s Community Dental Service.


These are changing and challenging times. We can get through this together. 


Julie Hepburn

Latest Update Covid-19

Many of you like me this afternoon have been glued to your screens listening to our Prime Ministers’ message.

We are transitioning into Level 3 and then into level 4.  Following this announcement, school will be closed from tomorrow. 

Children of healthcare workers and other essential services may continue to attend school for 48 hours.  Can you please contact us urgently if this is the case for your family

As a staff we will be working tomorrow to set up a communication system from your classroom teacher.  Please refrain from emailing them in the interim.

Take care everyone and as the Prime Minister through “decisive action, and through working together we have a small window to get ahead of it”.

Stay safe.


Unfortunately we have postponed these until further notice. Kerry our Family worker is still be available to receive your calls etc.

Reading Club Postponed

Reading Club run by our lovely senior members of our community for Junior children has sadly be been postponed until further notice.

COVID-19 Update

We continue to closely monitor developments and review our school calendar and have made the following changes:
School Disco for this term 
These events will not be happening this term and we are hopeful that we will be able to run them at a later date:
  • Walkathon
  • Judith Douche performance to the junior school
  • All community assemblies
  • Year 5/6  Hui  planned for April 3
  • Interschool Swimming Sports
  • Leadership Assembly planned for April 9 
  • Start term of 2 Powhiri for new students and their families
At this stage we are proceeding with our School Photos as scheduled for next week.
All other planned events continue to be under review.
I know that a number of you have found the resources on the Ministry of Education's website really helpful including the video with Dr Michelle Dickinson (Nanogirl).

Walkathon 2020

Our sponsored Walkathon on Friday 27th of March at Shakespear Park, is fast approaching with the following Friday the 3rd of April as the save day. There will be three individual prizes for the most money collected and class prizes (click LINK to see the prizes) for the highest average class total. The main prize winners will not be included in the class total so that every dollar counts from everyone in the class. The money will be used to fully update the sound system in the hall.   

The Walkathon is part of our Education Outside the Classroom programme (EOTC), which is an important part of the NZ Curriculum and is therefore counted as a normal school day. The children will be transported by bus to the park and back to Red Beach School within the usual school times. This is a great day, which the children love to participate in.


Hellen Healey
Deputy Principal

20 Albert Hall Drive
Red Beach NZ 0932

Phone: 09 426 8915