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Welcome to our new school year! It’s great that everyone has come back looking so well rested and are well into their learning! The ‘whānau connect’ has certainly strengthened this process - if you were not able to participate in this event, please make sure you contact your child’s teacher to set up a meeting time asap that works for you both.
A special warm welcome to families new to Red Beach School. We do hope you enjoy your time and association with us. Red Beach is known for its very caring and nurturing environment - we value the partnership between home and school.
As signalled, this year (in line with the government direction) we are focusing on school attendance with a particular drive on students being on time for school. All our attendance data (including info on “lateness”) is now being collected daily by the Ministry of Education.
Did you know?......
5 Minutes late per day = 3 school days lost!!
10 Minutes per day = 6 1/2 school days lost!!
30 Minutes per day is a whopping 19 school days lost for the year!!
A big welcome to our new staff members: Wayne Hulme (Rm 10 - Year 6) Kimberley Williams ( Year 2/3 - Rm 26) and Claire Broun-Lambrigger (Year 1 - Rm 4). Also a very warm welcome back to Angela Hunt who has joined us as a part-time class release teacher.
Our teams (L-R):
Leadership: Sinead Heckett (Deputy Principal), Julie Hepburn (Principal), Kirstin Blanchard (Deputy Principal)
Susan Murphy (Finance), Amanda Cotterell (Discovery Hub & International Students) & Leanne Hanna (Principal's PA/Board Secretary & Office Manager).
Cushla Summers & Maria Harris (Absent: Wendy Sanderson)
Amanda Foot (Teacher, Part Time) & Carla Bertoldi.
Adeline Pretorius, Mel Sharplin, Rochelle Cook, Claire Broun-Lambrigger, Bianca Walker.
Kath Gerrand (Team Leader) & Rachel Capizzi.
Chrissy Price (Class Release), Le'Anne Cox, Megan Greene, Anna Hedstrom (Team Leader), Kimberley Williams, Andrietta Smal.
Jenny Blick, Angela Hunt (Class Release), Amie Whitelaw (Team Leader) &
Sophie McNamara.
Angela Hunt (Class Release), Kirsten Thorne (Class Release), Kate Winiana, Emilly Denly, Carla Wintle (Team Leader).
Matt Walker, Chelsea Phipps, Kerryn White & Chrissy Price (Class Release).
Kirsten Thorne (Class Release), Wayne Hulme, Paul Monahan
Mike Crump (Team Leader) and Briony Hansen.
Passing of our Founding Principal
Our thoughts have been with the Bridle Whānau as they mourn the passing of a much loved family member. Denis is well remembered for all his work in those early days as our Foundation Principal and yes we have much him to thank for!
We will be formally recognising his passing later this term - more details to follow.
Photo taken at our School's 25th Jubilee celebration.
TERM ONE ends on Thursday April 10th - We have a TEACHER ONLY DAY on Friday 11th - Kelly Club will be running a programme for those who need it.
TERM TWO commences Monday 28th April.
Please do not drop your children off before 8.30am as there is no supervision prior to this time.
Children need to be collected by 3.15pm or alternative arrangements may be made with our After School Care provider, Kelly Club Phone 427 93 77 to book your child in.
Our carpark is for staff only. We have a number of itinerant staff who come and go all day and they need to have access to parking for carrying their teaching resources etc. If you or your child are injured or sick - please drive straight on down and we will meet you at the door. There are two paid Community parks right down by the office -these must be kept free for those who have purchased this at a school fundraiser.
Here’s to a fun-filled term of learning!
Julie Hepburn
Red Beach School
Parent Information Sessions: English
We’d like to welcome you to some informal information sessions this term aimed at outlining the new English Curriculum and what that includes and looks like at different levels of the school.
Years 0-3: Thurs 6th March 2:15pm and 5pm in PD room ( through staffroom)
Years 4-6: Thurs 13th March 2:15pm and 5pm (through staffroom)
Please e-mail your interest to to enable us to plan for numbers.
A warm welcome to our International Students! We hope you have a wonderful time learning and experiencing everyday life at Red Beach School.

Walking School Bus
Currently we have 1 Walking School Bus ‘up & walking’ in the Rosario Cres area. Thank you to those parents who are running this WSB, a great start to the year!
If you are keen to join a Walking School Bus and/or you would like to set up a walking school bus in your area please contact our go-to parent - Sarah Delaney or our Travelwise lead-teacher, Ms. Hedstrom
There are some cool little incentives for the kids when they walk. They have little bus tickets that they click each time they walk, which leads to prizes. It’s a great initiative and a great way to connect with other families who are living close by.
Year 0/1
Year 1 gather together several times a week as a year group to participate in different learning opportunities.
During ‘Collaborative Play’ we work on using our RICH Hearts and working with and alongside others. At our ‘Singing Assembly’ we celebrate learning across the team as well as learning school waiata so that we can participate in school events such as the whakatau.
Years 2 & 3
Class Treaty
As part of the New Zealand Histories Curriculum, the Year 2/3 team studied the Treaty of Waitangi and its historical and cultural significance. Following this, we engaged students in creating their own Class Treaty, fostering a deeper understanding of its principles and applying them to their classroom community.
Years 4 & 5
This term we have an inquiry focus on Hauora (Health & Wellbeing).
Students have loved the Life Ed Caravan and they have begun identifying the four pillars of Te Whare Tapa Whā - Taha Tinana (Physical), Taha Wairua (Spiritual), Taha Hinengaro (Mental/Emotional), and Taha Whānau (Social/Family). Check out what we have been up to so far this term.
Room 24 Team Building Challenge.
Room 17 Enjoying a mindful looking exercise following different bubbles on the screen.
Year 6
Wow, what a blast the year 6’s have had on our first 2 weeks at school this year. Not only have we started our last year at Red Beach, we have also begun our leadership roles which include PE Shed, Discovery Hub leader, Road Patrol, and MUCH more. These roles are teaching us responsibilities and consistency. Watch us grow!
Article by Amelie Cummings, Year 6 School Ambassador
Link below for our uniform, to order visit: - find Red Bach School in the Upper North Island region schools.
Hockey 2025
Are you keen to have some fun, play some games and show your skills?
We are preparing for another great winter season of hockey and have opportunities for you to have a go before committing to the season beginning in Term 2. It doesn't matter if you have played before or want to give it a try for the first time.
We are planning on two 1 hour weekend sessions - weekend of 15/16th March and 22/23rd March - day and time tbc.
Like all sports we rely on the enthusiasm and support of parents to act as coaches and managers so I’d love to hear from you if you are able to do this.
Please complete this expression of interest form for us to begin to gauge numbers and I’ll get back to you with further details.
For all sports enquiries, please email Julie Bluck:
Term 1:
Mini-ball/Basketball - starts next week
Inter-school Cricket - Thursday 13th March (save date Thursday 20th March)
Inter-school Athletics - Thursday 3rd April (save date Thursday 10th April)
The registration form for RBS Netball 2025 is now available: RBS Netball Registration 2025
Registration and payment must be made by Friday 14th March
Due to an increase in the cost from our supplier, our RBS sports shirts are now $40 and the sports shorts are $22. The sports shirt is compulsory for students involved in a Red Beach School sports team however, the sports shorts are optional. Both items are available through KINDO.
Keep on chomping and collecting those stickers then return your completed sheets to the school office. Remember, the more Yummy Fruit you eat, the more free sports gear we receive for the school! - forms below.
Kelly Club Schedules & On Site Tutors